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How important is the accessory bearing in the calcite vertical mill?
- 2021-01-11 -
How important is the accessory bearing in the calcite vertical mill? When selecting the matching of bearings for calcite vertical mills, factors such as bearing type, size, speed, load size, direction and nature, and operating conditions should be considered. When the load direction does not change, the moving coil should be tighter than the fixed coil. Generally, the inner ring rotates with the shaft and the outer ring is fixed, so the inner ring and the shaft fit tightly, and the outer ring and the hole fit loosely. When it is a floating support, the fit between the outer ring and the hole is a clearance fit.
When designing the bearing assembly, the assembly and disassembly of the bearing should be considered so as not to damage the bearing and other parts during the assembly and disassembly process. When installing the bearing, a hand hammer is often used to drive the bearing into the journal. The inner ring is padded with copper pipe or soft steel pipe, and the bearing can also be pressed on the journal by a press.
For large-size bearings, hot-loading should be used, that is, the bearings are boiled in oil to 80-100 0C, and for large bearings, the temperature should not exceed 120°C, and then the bearing should be placed on the journal.
The selection method of the calcite vertical mill is the calculation method, the test method and the analogy method.
The calculation method is to calculate the required clearance or interference according to the use requirements of the parts and certain theories and formulas, and then determine the appropriate fit. For example, what is used as a sliding bearing is a clearance fit. According to the theory of fluid lubrication, a small gap formed by oil film lubrication can be calculated to select an appropriate fit. For interference fit, according to the theory and formula of elastoplastic deformation, calculate the small interference to ensure reliable transmission of torque and the large interference that does not cause the internal stress generated by the part to exceed the yield limit of the material, and then select the appropriate fit.
The test method is to determine the required clearance or interference through special tests, and then select the appropriate fit. The test method is more reliable, but the cost is higher, and it is only suitable for particularly important matching options.
The analogy method refers to the practical situation of the used cooperation verified by production practice in similar products, and determines the required cooperation based on the use requirements of the designed product. It is a commonly used method of selection in production practice.

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